
Friday, May 15, 2009

Corn Palak (Sweet Corn with Spinach)

HMMM It was thursday afternoon when it all started....while surfing i saw this yummy picture of palak paneer on one of the food sites, though I am not a BIG fan of palak but i do like it in gravy dishes. I wanted to go home and make palak paneer that moment know how cravings i patiently waited till the clock ticked 6 and immediately ran out of office to buy some fresh spinach leaves. Being very fussy as I am I really dont like the taste of frozen vegetables, i always prefer fresh ones. Unfortunately fresh spinach's are not available everywhere here.....people usually use the frozen cubes. As i was walking towards the supermarket I was praying that i get some fresh spinach today. I didnt have much hope as I was already late...shops get closed by 6 here and very few shops are open till 7 or 8, even if you find them open most of the fresh leafy veggies are already gone.  As i reached the counter i saw there was only one BIG bunch of baby spinach leaves left and I immediately grabbed it...i felt as if i found a treasure :) an aged guy standing next to me gave me a look as if I am crazy, I gave him a big smile..m sure i must have :)) all my excitement i didnt even notice that the bunch which i had bought was very very BIG, i guess lots of spinach recipes coming up in my future posts :) 
Hmmm one down and one more to go....paneer....again i didnt want to use the frozen paneer....they are not fresh and the one which we get here are hard as a rock, whereas I prefer homemade paneer are soft with melt in mouth texture. Well making paneer was absolutely out of question as it will require lot of time and i didnt really have so much not giving up i made this dish using sweet corns. The dish came out very well, i simply followed my mom's tips on spices and the result was creamy and delicious curry. Perfect for nan, roti and parathas. I simply adore this recipe because of its simplicity and taste :)) It just took me under 30 mins to prepare this yummy dish :)
Sending corn palak to SWC- Cooking with greens event guest hosted by Sowmya of Creative Saga, mastermind of Laksmi. This dish is also off to WYF : Quick Meals hosted by EC.
2 cups of fresh spinach leaves
2 medium onions squared
2 medium tomatoes squared
1 cup sweet corn (i used canned)
3 medium green chiilies
1 tsp ginger paste
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
Salt to taste
1 tsp oil
1 tsp fresh cream for garnishing
  • Blanch the spinach in hot water for about 8 - 10 mins, until the leaves become soft.
  • Grind together onions, tomato, green chillies with very little water to make a smooth paste.
  • Heat the oil in a pan, add in ginger paste, saute for few seconds, now add in the onion-tomato paste, salt, sugar and turmeric powder.
  • Cook the gravy for about 5 to 7 mins until the raw taste of onion disappears.
  • Now add in the sweet corn kernels and simmer for about 3 to 4 mins.
  • Grind the blanched spinach into smooth paste.
  • Just before serving, add the spinach paste in the gravy and simmer for about 2 mins.
  • Adust the salt and sugar according to taste.
  • Garnish with fresh cream or malai and serve hot with nan, roti or parathas.


  1. Palak paneer is under my try list,urs is looking yummy,i will have a look at ur preparation when i make it:)

  2. Nice dish Parita, love the combination of spinach with corn. It must have tasted yummy :)

  3. I like the combination of sweet corn and spinach - this sounds delicious!

  4. Looking great.... nice combination of spinach n corn... would have surely tasted great :)

  5. wow paritha..its looking great. I too love this combination i did with roasted corn and came out very will have posted it too u can have a look at it. Yummy dish and good with naan and roti.

  6. Love the gravy and the combination!hmmm....SO this is the secret of your beautiful long hair:) Healthy dish!

  7. Nice combination..I too love fresh produce instead of frozen ones..Looks Yummy!!

  8. Wow the combination of spinach and corn looks delicious..willhave to try this out..

  9. This sounds really tasty and simple my hubby would love this for sure (so would I) he loves corn and spinach.

    I think I always look crazy in the supermarket - I lift boxes up to get the fresh veggies from underneath and root through all the bags of salad leaves to find the best. I rarely ever see anyone else do it and chuckle to myself when I do. :-D

  10. a good combo will try out soon

  11. Wow so finally you have got your treasure! So waiting eagerly for more spinach dishes :) I guess spinach has become your week's special right..hehe..The dish looks creamy n delicious..great idea to add corn.

  12. Thank you Chitra, Gita, 5 Star Foodie and Padma for your wonderful words :)

    hey pavithra..i just checked out your blog..wonderful the gorgeous pics :)

    hey Ushanandini..blush blush...thank you dear :)

    thank you priyameena, renuka and renuka for your encouraging comments :)

    hey jeena...i can imagine that :) yesterday i spent more than 10 mins to just choose a boy of fresh strawberries..i couldnt figure out which ones were more fresh :))

    hey was really very funny...that old man thought i have gone nuts :)..definately will be posting more spinach recipes :)

  13. Very nice recipe. As always a different and yummy combo.

  14. A good taste of sweet and spicy i guess.. Looks delicious

  15. So I guess I am the opposite, I just love spinach in anything... almost!
    This looks so healthy and nice.

  16. Quite a interesting combination, corns with spinach looks amazing Parita!

  17. Pariii..........i just loved the color combination..made it after finishing dosa batter?? :)

  18. Palak and corn,never thought of this combo before..sounds great and very healthy too

  19. Lovely gravy and nice combo. I too don't like the frozen spinach :( Corn palak looks very delicious :)

  20. gorgeous.....i so want to eat palak now!

  21. What a creative dish! Love the addition of sweet corn here. You could add some paneer next time you make it, along with the spinach and corn.

  22. Luved the combination of palak and corn.Nice click too.

  23. Thats a very nice combo and looks very nice.

  24. Spinach is looking so fresh...Yummy combo of palak and corn parita..Never thought of adding corn in dishes..Does it makes the curry sweet parita..

  25. spinach looks so fresh.. never tried corn and spinach together..loos yummy though..

  26. Thats a new and very nice combination..will try when I get some good palak..thanks for the entry

  27. nice is on my to - cook list

  28. This looks delicious...cannot wait to try it

  29. nice combination of corn and spinach.sounds delicious..thanks for sending this to swc.

  30. wow what a great recipe Parita sweet corn is ny hubbys fav. will try for sure

  31. No fresh paneer in stores here either,just the rock hard frozen ones.I like sweet corn ,goes great with spinach,yummy!

  32. Parita, it looks so good and comforting1!! I can imagine the sweet and the hot taste in the gravy oh god why werent you my neighbor???

  33. Hi Parita
    Know you from the comment you left on by website. You have great collection of recipes here.
    This looks interesting..will try it this week. Looking fwd to visiting your website often !

  34. Love both corn and spinach. It looks delicious.

  35. Hi ..
    Corn palak ..hmm sounds interesting ..the dish looks very delicious..will try this for sure

  36. we used to have this for lunch in my previous office. love it!

  37. Hi Parita,
    Quite an adventure u've had for buying those lovely looking bunch of greens :) and my my ....girl u've made a fab! combo dish. health bhi taste bhi ;)

  38. Parita, I have soemthing for you in my blog... please collect it dear :)

  39. Different combo with palak.I never tried with corn,will try this for sure.

  40. very new recipe to me .... looks delicious ..& thanks for visiting & loving my blog parita.........

  41. I love spinach & make palak paneer quite often. This is a very very nice variation. .my kids love corn & palak paneer, i bet they will love this.

  42. Sounds really delicious and healthy !! :-) Good one, Parita !!


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