
Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Melon Feta Cheese Tarts, a touching experience and Awards!!

I know this sounds weird but trust me on this, melon with feta cheese is one of the most delicious combinations i have ever tasted! Last weekend I had a dinner invitation by one of my very close colleague, she lives in germany and i have known her from past 3 yrs Over the period of time we became good friends and a day hasnt passed without speaking to her! This was the first time I visited her place and it was really touching experience. As I am a veggie with exception of eggs in bakes, they had prepared the whole meal completely vegetarian just for me! I was so touched! An electronic Raclette Grill or Raclette Maker was placed in the middle of the dinner table with a huge bowl of mini boiled potatoes on top of it. A variety of fresh and pickled veggies, pulses and fruits were spread across the table like sweet corns, zucchini, radish, baby corns, chickpeas, melon, bell peppers, cucumbers etc. Traditionally raclette cheese is melted over fire and is accompanied by boiled mashed potatoes. Meal is incomplete without a wine, we had Red wine, this is the first time I have had wine more than a tsp, though I am not fond of the taste but suprisingly it went very well with hot melted cheese! I think it just takes sometime for the our taste palletes to get adjusted to the taste of wine! After dinner we went for a walk, my colleague lives near Stein, its a small town near Lorrach. A beautiful and calm place with lots of greenery around. I saw many different types of flowers and fruit trees like cherries, figs, chestnuts etc. Can you imagine living in a place where you can pluck fresh fruits right from the trees? a place where every step you take you get the scents of roses and lavendars! This was like my dream town, small, serene and beautiful! After the long walk, tea and croissants were waiting for us! I loved the croissants filled with red currants and cherry jam and guess what they were eggless!! You definately cannot make out the difference, i couldnt resist my self and immediately requested for the recipe. As soon as i get it i am making them and posting it! I made these mini tartlets with musk melon, spring onions and crumbled feta cheese. Hot cheese with sweet melon tasted out of this world. I have used ready made puff pastry sheet and cut round circles using a glass, and baked them in muffin pans. You can also make these using tart pans. These mini tarts are off to BSI:Feta currently being hosted by Zoe.
Its been raining awards for me!! Ivy from Greek hospitality, Jyoti from Food Seasons, Chaklere from Chak Le Re and Vidya from Humming in the kitchen have passed "One Lovely Blog Award" to me, i really wish to thank you all for support and encouragement ! I love your blogs too! Passing this award to 5 or 10 or even 20 is not enough for me, so i would love to pass this on to all my blog pals! Keep rocking gals!
Ingredients: 1 pastry puff sheet thawed 100 gms feta cheese crumbled 2 spring onions finely chopped 1 cup musk melon finely chopped Pepper to taste Procedure:
  • Preheat the oven to 200 degrees C.
  • Grease muffin pans lightly, i used olive oil for greasing.
  • Using a glass or cutter, cut round pieces from the pastry sheet and place them in the muffin pan, making small cups.
  • Add in musk melons and spring onions. Top it up with crumbled feta cheese.
  • Add some freshly grounded pepper and bake these for 30 to 35 mins until the pastry puffs are lightly browned.
  • Serve them hot!


  1. Wow, very unique. Loved the tart. Beautiful pics that explain the procedure. A picture speaks a thousand words.. need I say more ?

  2. Looks lovely, new and interesting combo. Congrats on your award. Let it rain girl, you really deserve them all.

  3. Congrats on your award.Wonderful tarts and nice step by step procedure.

  4. OMG ! Thats a wonderful, simple and easy recipe. This is totally new combo for me. I loved the idea of making tarts with pastry sheets.. simply superb.
    And I also loved to read about the dinning experience you had. All the arrangements sounds superb!
    And Congratulations for your award. You deserve it!

  5. OMG!!!.. looks sooo delicious... very unique recipe...Congrats on your award... awesome clicks!!

  6. Enjoyed reading ur experience. I can imagine those greenery and fruit trees. Sounds like a dream land to me:) Reminds me of my favorite cartoon called Heidi. Surely ur friend is so sweet to make a lot of pure veg items. Hot cheese and melon tarts tempts me a lot.

  7. Parita,thats a simple cute recipe to try..I love variety too..ha,so the dinner turned great ..lovely notes

  8. love the idea and congrates on ye award.. sound delish!!

  9. This is too much.. you are tempting my taste buds like hell.. This one sounds absolutely interesting and yummy.. really cant resist.. :)

    Congrats on your awards.. you deserve it for sure.. :)

  10. Wonderful feta recipe! Thanks for sharing this for BSI!

  11. This is somthing new to me..sounds simple and tasty..pretty presentation..and congrats on ur awards...

  12. lovely tarts... I love feta cheese - must have been awesome...
    Congrats on your award too...

  13. Ihave never used the muffin pan to make anything savory. Guess its time! Yes, I envy your friend who can just pluck fruits off trees and eat..sigh..

  14. hey parita,
    glad to read about the great time u had and the description is so beautifully written girlie :) so nice to read..sounds like a fairy tale..:) and my my thos tarts look great and tempting :)
    nice click :) enjoy !
    Congratulations dear you deserve the awards so rightly !!!!

  15. congratulations on the awards! i cannot imagine what feta and melon would taste like.. it sure looks very tempting.. thats another new combination to try!!

  16. We eat feta and melon (or watermelon) a lot in Greece but never thought of using it in baking. I've never heard of musk melon before and I wonder if it would work with the usual melon. Your recipe is so creative and I surely want to try this.

  17. I love raclette! Those mini tarts look so delicious!

    Congrats on the award!



  18. Lovely tarts and tempting pictures .... and congrats on your award Parita :)

  19. Don't think I've had musk melon before. These tarts look like wonderful appetizers that I must try it. !! I can definitely eat a whole bunch of these.

  20. Looks soo cute recipe to me ..nicely presentaed .nice one !

  21. Never tried using musk melon to make tartlets...2nd pic is a true temptation.

    Angie's Recipes

  22. Dear, I admire your friends grilling style.. and your experience in Lorrach town sounds more like an Alice in wonderland to me :) I too wish to visit that place :)
    I just love this creative recipe with lovely presentation!
    Congrats on your award and thanks for pasing it:P

  23. Friends so caring make our life merrier.scrumptious savory tarts:)

  24. Those tarts sound awesome! Thanks for sharing!

  25. Oh yes! melon & goes goes really really well.. Love your idea & the cute little stack:-)

  26. Your time spent with your colleague sounds like heaven on earth...the scene you described is like my dream town as well!

    Congrats on your award! :)

    These tarts are really beautiful, and I love combining sweet melon with salty feta (prosciutto also makes a delicious combination).

  27. Wow looks so delectable! Never had this combo before! And what a fabulous dinner you had! Congrats on the award too!

  28. WOW!they look so delicious.would love to try them.

  29. Very unusual combination, but I love feta and your recipes are always winners, so I would be sure to enjoy this too.

  30. Very creative and really innovative tart Parita!

  31. The tarts look awesome! Beautiful photos too.

  32. wow they look SO exquisite and amazing! I could see myself eating serveral of those in a minute!

  33. Its alwys good to hang out wiht friends...sounds like you had a good time :) Melon with feta cheese your awesome recipe dear.

  34. Your time with friends sounds idyllic...very nice depiction...and those tarts look aweome..I dont like melons..but love me some goat cheese ;)

  35. Nice tarts Parita..I am laready jealous that you live in Switzerland..And now, the description of the place where you went makes me even more jealous.. :-( Nice description of the place...Lucky You :-)

  36. Hi parita, how ru? lovely and nice recipe

  37. Musk melon and onions! Wow! The tarts do look so good Parita! :-)

  38. another good use for puff pastry sheet eh? :)

  39. Cheese tarts are delicious and yum clicks parita!!

  40. enjoyed reading your post! it brings back memories...of visitng places like Lucerne and the days of living in Vienna!
    the tart looks so yumm... and is so easy to prepare!

  41. Fabulous and Fantastic tart Parita:)

  42. Hai Pariii...snaps are just beautiful as usual.. :)peeping to ur blog after sorry 4 d delay..u knw d reason naa.. :) nw im k n feeling gud.. :)

  43. Pari i never tried tarts ne time must try nd get bac to u.....these luk gr8

  44. Pari i never tried tarts ne time must try nd get bac to u.....these luk gr8

  45. Pari i never tried tarts ne time must try nd get bac to u.....these luk gr8

  46. Looks so.. cute and Yum. Feel like having some

  47. Wow, very cool idea using musk melon in a tart! I've never tried it before this way :o

  48. You're right... it does sound a bit different... but I'm happy to try it, sounds like it was a hit!

  49. Hey Parita, Congrats for the Award!!!!! Tarts are looking lovely....thanks for sharing....

  50. looks delicious..sounds easy too.

  51. Sounds like such a beautiful evening! I'm so glad you were able to have such a glorious day with your friend! :-) Your melon tarts are SO brilliant!! I never would have thought of melon and feta together, but now that you mention it, the combo sounds absolutely scrumptious!

  52. Congrats on your award. These look absolutely wonderful.

  53. lovely pic parita...unique recipe must say...looks delicious...

  54. This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. OMG this is a miracle.....first time after more than a month i'm able to open ur blog Parita.......not sure for how long will i b able to stay but everything u made till now is simply gorgeous dear!Loved ur tarts, pulav, roasted potatoes and all other dishes too. And hey Congrats on all ur awards, u deserve them and many more!!!!And pls don't mind if i'm not able to comment on any post, this is the problem that i'm facing....not everyday it turns out to b a lucky day:))

  56. Wonderful idea Pari..looks so gud ..yum..Congrats on your awards too :)

  57. This is definately not right ...You are making me hungry & not giving me one piece also ...So delicious ...

  58. always amazes me, the things creative ppl can do with a simple muffin pan! I still have to break mine in ... just bought it!

  59. Yumm........what a dish........This is true that I will never try this as it seems hard to me........but if u can plz parcel me some of them.....I like to taste it.......

  60. A very unique combination indeed, sounds intriguing ! The place you visiting sounds beautiful and I am looking forward to seeing the eggless croissant recipe

  61. Lovely and different combo. Congrats on your award!

  62. what a pefect looking snack... pass me a few pls

  63. 1.The description of the town ur colleague stays just left me closing my eyes and imaginaing.
    2.The scent of roses and lavendars is making me go bonkers
    3.The feta cheese trart looks incredible..with just a 3-4 ingredient, its so easy to make too.
    4.bcos u live in a lovely place combined with the fact that u have frnds/ colelagues who live in breathtaking towns, and the fact that u cook well, will u b my FRIEND? pretty plsssss

  64. This looks so simple, yet so lovely and innovative! I have some pastry sheets and cheese in my Refrigerator waiting to be used. Will surely give this a try!

  65. Your friend sounds really nice-- it really is touching when friends go out of the way to accommodate dietary choices.
    I love the idea of using musk melons in a tart. Sounds delicious.

  66. never tried melon and cheese before. Looks good.

  67. The tarts look great! looks like you had a great time at ur friends place. I too live in germnay and in some parks and forests nearby, i get to pluck some berries and in autumn a lot of walnuts:)Enjoy!

  68. Tarts looks great and yummy. Nice pictures.

  69. Wow Parita, that was a lovely description. It is indeed lucky to be in such a beautiful place.
    I was quite surprised about muskmelon, but after reading your post, pretty convinced that it will indeed taste great. I love love love musk melons, will grab some pastry sheets and give this one a try sometime.

  70. Such pretty looking tarts - i love feta cheese.

  71. such a lovely place you have been are yourself living in a beautiful place Parita.....
    and this tart is as good as the places....never thought of doing it with melons...

  72. such a lovely place you have been are yourself living in a beautiful place Parita.....
    and this tart is as good as the places....never thought of doing it with melons...

  73. woww...looks delicious...
    i wish i knew u personally i would take cooking lessons from u:)

  74. I love melon and feta combination, but never hard it on a tart! This is an awesome creation.

  75. i can see the scenery before my eyes as you described, As I lived in Germany for 6 years and visited some of Germany's small town like this and I love their cuisine,too. Germans are very hospitable and friendly...I still miss those lovely places and to your recipe, it sounds great and very easy to make.lovely pics and congrats on your award

  76. What a great flavor combination, they look absolutely delicious and are so adorable!

  77. Hey i have missed this post dear.. looks so cute snack..yummy and bookmarked it.. congrats on ur award paritha.. u deserve it for sure

  78. This looks amazing,,i will surely give this a try..i have always like the puff pastry filled in and baked I know where to look,,,


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