
Friday, August 21, 2009

Sun Dried Tomato, Basil and Cashewnut Pesto with Pasta

Dear All,
It has been a long and rather stressful week at work not that I am complaining, i like to keep my self busy but not that long where i start missing on my lunch and dinner. Dont you all think we should work 4 days a week and get 3 days off? Sometime back we were having this discussion in the office and everybody agreed that we should follow 4 days work rule but the problem here is though everyone agrees on this no one takes any action!
Now after a long day's work i was feeling lazy to cook so settled for something quick , easy and fulfilling. What better than jazzing up some pesto with pasta! It was ready in less than 30 mins and personally i love the flavors of tomatoes and fresh basil, one of my favorite combinations. I have used cashewnuts here to enhance the richness of the dish, you can use any of your favorite nuts like walnuts, almonds or pine nuts.
As you can see I have changed my blog layout as well. I was in search of a new layout from a very long time and finally found one! I am planning to make few changes as well so do watch out! Do let me know how do like my new layout and if you have any suggestions to make it more user friendly :)
Sending this to Presto Pasta Nights guest hosted this week by Helen of Fuss Free Flavors, started by Ruth of Once Upon A Feast
Its been raining awards in our blogosphere and of course I am drenched too :) Sushma, Pinky, Faiza Ali, Priya, Shri and Shabs all have passed these wonderful awards to me. Thank you all for your wonderful gestures, you all have made my day! Padma has tagged me to share my ABCs....hmmm suddenly my mind is now remembering the abc nursery rhyme...let me see if i remember it all :)
The Rules: 1. Link the person who tagged you. 2. Post the rules on your blog. 3. Share the ABCs of you. 4. Tag 4 people at the end of your post by linking to their blogs. 5. Let the 4 tagged people know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their website. 6. Do not tag the same person repeatedly but try to tag different people, so that there is a big network of bloggers doing this tag. The Tag: 1. A – Available/Single? Huh? 2. B – Best friend? Many 3. C – Cake or Pie? Cake 4. D – Drink of choice? Buttermilk 5. E – Essential item you use every day? Laptop, Phone and Sunscreen lotion 6. F – Favorite color? Sky Blue 7. G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? Loved Gummy Bear Cartoon on disney :) 8. H – Hometown? Aamchi Mumbai 9. I – Indulgence? Lots - chocolates, ice creams, chaats etc 10. J – January or February? hm....January thats close to my birthday :) 11. K – Kids & their names? Not Applicable 12. L – Life is incomplete without? My Family and friends 13. M – Marriage date? Not Applicable 14. N – Number of siblings? 2 - 1 sister, 1 brother 15. O – Oranges or Apples? Oranges 16. P – Phobias/Fears? Insects....cant stand them 17. Q – Quote for today? Whatever Happens, Happens for the Best 18. R – Reason to smile? Many - Old memories, appreciation, when i see a small baby etc 19. S – Season? Rainy in India, Spring outside India .20. T – Tag 3 People? Just 3? 21. U – Unknown fact about me? I still have to discover myself :) 22. V – Vegetable you don't like? Bitter Gourd 23. W – Worst habit? Speak tooo fast, trying to change 24. X – X-rays you've had? Many... 25. Y – Your favorite food? made by my mom, right now craving for pani puri 26. Z – Zodiac sign? Capricorn Friends I would like to Tag are Nithya, Lone Acorn, Lena and Rekha Ingredients: 1 cup pasta boiled of your choice (I used spagetthi) 1/2 cup sundried tomatoes 12 - 15 cashewnuts 1 big tomato chopped 1/4 cup olive oil (I used from the sundried tomatoes) 1/3 cup fresh basil leaves 1/2 paprika flakes (optional) Salt and Pepper to taste Procedure:
  • Roast cashewnuts lightly in oven for 5 mins. We donot want some golden brown.
  • In a pan saute the tomatoes with very little oil for about 2 mins, until soft.
  • Grind together sundried tomatoes, basil, chopped tomatoes, cashewnuts, paprika flakes and oil together into smooth paste.
  • Season the pesto with salt and pepper according to your taste.
Serving Suggestions: Pesto goes very well with pasta or you can serve them with crackers and bread sticks, makes wonderful appetizers! I know its been a long post, signing off here, have a wonderful and fun filled weekend !!!



  1. Loooks yummy..... Wish I was there to grab the plate from you :) It looks so tempting dear..

    Thanks a lot for passing the tag to me. :) Will post it soon

  2. Pasta and the sun dried pesto is looking so yummy! I like this combo very much. Nice photo! I liked your new layout. Have a wonderful weekend! Have you settled in the new place?

  3. i've been stressed this week too. a pesto made with cashew nuts sounds really good.

  4. Nice and Yummy recipe. And your new layout looks superb dear. Have a great and wonderful weekend !

  5. nice combo ... looks yum...
    The blog template also looks very nice...

  6. WOWW!! The New look of your blog is very gorgeous! Looks great.

    The Pasta looks delicious,amazing click!!

    You rock dear.

  7. I love pesto. Really simple to make and easy too. Gotta love it! Loved reading your answers to the alphabet questions. ;-)

  8. congrats for the awards..
    the layout looks perfect n the pesto too.......never tried cashew in a pesto......sounds yum.

  9. I love this pesto with cashews and sun-dried tomatoes - great idea!

  10. congrats on ye well deserved awards pari!! dis pasta sound heavenly delish.. totaly drool worthy. also pari ye new layout look stunning! great job!

  11. I love love love your new design!! Very professional looking :)

    The pesto looks yummy!

  12. Hey Parita, pesto looks creamy and yummy!

  13. Woww Parita, pesto looks marvellous..ur new template looks beautiful dear..

  14. Oh wow nice and simple it...oh wow recipe looks yummylicious.....

  15. Looks absolutely fabulous... mouthwatering!!!!

  16. Truly delicious!
    The new template is pretty nice, easier to read.

    Angie's Recipes

  17. New template looks very nice. I'm not a pasta person, even then I can comment can't I? Pasta looks restaurant style Parita.

  18. wow my favorite pesto paritha..looks yuummy...ur new template looks Awesome......

  19. pesto with pasta... the name appears jumbled but the dish looks simple...
    nice one.. will try this...

    I used to tell this to each and every person I see a new and better recipe... but how can I prepare all in a day...


  20. Pasta looks heavenly! Must have been bliss eating it after a hard day's work? On the 4 day work week.. I'm in for it - I've always thought Wed must be know.. to remember how the weekend was..

    and btw, Blog looks Amazingly Cool!

  21. U'r new layout looks nice..Header is cute..
    Iam a pasta lover and u'r sundried tomato+basil pesto pasta looks delish..

    I love deepfried bittergourd:)

  22. Pesto looks yummm ....and your new template looks too good... congrats on your awards and was nice to read your ABC's :)

  23. Your new template looks very good Parita...simple and delicious sauce...looks so colorful. Congrats on all your awards dear :)

  24. The new layout looks good, I like the flowers. This is a good pesto, does it keep well with the fresh tomato ? I use just sundried tomato and that stays in the fridge for about 3 weeks or in the freezer for 3 months. My mother also uses pesto to when making fresh bread, it tastes great.

  25. That pesto is very original! I love sundried tomatoes and cashewnuts!

    Great to know a little more about you...

    Cheers and have a great weekend,


  26. Loooks yummy..... Wish I was there to grab the plate from you :) It looks so tempting dear.. I liked your new template....

  27. If you ask me, this new layout look so neat and good...much better than that older one...that old template was so crowdy with highly adjustment. :) This new template is very nice. Loved the idea of adding cashew nuts in pesto. Are you cashew lover? I am. :)

  28. How delicious this is with the wonderful pesto! Such lovely flavors! I love your new look and your header is so cute!

  29. I had seen this template in a personal blog and wanted to make those flowers into small vades and use it as my template!!!

    And I wish we had 1 day working and 6 days off, someone should do something about this overworking. I made sundried tomatoes and this pesto might be just perfect not sure abt the calories from cashews tho'!

  30. This dish is awesome and cool! Pesto Pasta, nice name and tongue twister! Like the new style template!

  31. yes ur so true parita i feel the same way some times if we wuld work only 4days a week isnt it amazing dear !!
    congratulations on ur awards dear and nice reading abt A-Zfacts .
    yummy dish !!

  32. I sure agree with you abt 4 work days!
    Recipe sounds delish and congrats on your awards.. nice goin thru' those abc..

  33. Your pesto sounds delicious! I'm planning to make a couple of different pestos this weekend. Can' wait!

  34. pls take ur Award from my blog dear.....

  35. Yummy and colourful pesto. Enjoy the shower of awards.

  36. Your layout is looking very nice. Just check out ur line my disappears in the flowers.

  37. 4 days work and 3 days rest? Agreed.
    And I love the idea of using cashews for the pesto! Brilliant!

    p.s. LOVE the new design! Ultra chic!

  38. pasta looks yumm..nice template i love the blue colour on the sides....

  39. love the look of ur blog parita...really nice....and the dish also looks delicious...

  40. Pari the new template is real gud...looks so nice...and pasta is very interesting..nice idea adding cashews...hav gud weekend

  41. Great new look Parita..and the very idea of sun dried totamoes makes me drool..then jus imagine how the

  42. Parita dear, pls collect the awards from my blog.

  43. Looks yummy & lovely dish. There is something waiting for you. Plz collect it dear.

  44. lovely post dear nice to know more about you I too like that basil and tomato flavor looks great BTW I think you changed your blog look naa great yaar nice new look.

  45. ohh sorry dear thank you so much for passing the tag to me will do it soon.

  46. It was so nice to read more about Parita! And thankyou for the recipe too-it looks delicious :D

  47. i make a similar pesto with walnuts...must be yum with cashews!
    And I love the new look

  48. Congrats Parita,nice layout,looks neat...nowadays i am seeing lots of sun dried tomato posts,looks great with lovely presentation...

  49. Loved the new look of your blog.

    Congrats on the awards and ur blog rocks :)

  50. I'm totally with you on a 4-day work week. I think we'd all be more productive with a longer rest period. Sadly, the rest of the world doesn't agree with us. :(

    Congratulations on your award! I liked reading more about you.

  51. As i always get back to the recipe after trying m going to get back vth my review to this too loved the plate..:)

  52. lovely recipe..always have loved tomato basil pasta..

  53. I love adding cashews to anything ... what a great new idea for pesto!

  54. Hey this dish looks yummy!
    I liked your layout...its really cool. congrats on your award.

  55. Pariiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii....................
    new layout is amazing.. :)looks simple and neat..really impressive.. :)
    den this dish looks amazing..wish i could grab them..superb presentation dear.. :) and thank u for sharing tag with me..wl post it soon.. :)

  56. I love your pretty new layout! This dish looks so delicious, I love your use of cashews...yum!

  57. wow..u changed ur more compact and luvly now..ur pasta is kool just like u

  58. I would love some of that pasta Parita yum yum!

  59. The best suggestion ever made - 4 days work, 3 days off! Wow! If you ever happen to start your own firm - remember to hire me! lol..
    That pesto looks so good! Nice and rich. Sure it must have been yummy!

  60. Parita, for ur question about worcestershire sauce, its looks like thick soyasauce,its a real mix of many sauces together such as soya sauce, fermented soya sauce, corn syrup etc..

  61. O my God, This is just awesome I'm the 61st commentator, too good Parita, you have really created a great network. Congrats on your awards.
    I have never prepared pesto at home, will try it out this time.

  62. Awesome yummy pasta! it looks so good and I am sure that it would ahve tatsed gr8.

    I made penne with sundried tomato pesto couple of posts back :-)

  63. Lovely read, lovely template and lovvvvvely post!! Looks so delicious!!

  64. What a lovely pesto, cashews and sun-dried tomatoes sound perfect together!

  65. Always have been a fan of Pasta and Pesto.I am not big into sauces, both white and red!Would prefer, Pesto or just Olive Oil!It was really nice to know more about you:)

  66. pesto!!! how can i not love this post? :) oh and i also love your little pesto bowl! :)

  67. Love the new blog design! This pasta looks great too!, looks easy and tasty.

  68. Yummy pesto.. Love the new theme of your blog..Congrats on your awards and it was good reading your meme

  69. Wow Paritha, that looks yummy and nice click.

  70. I have become a pasta fan nowadays..and this one looks so tempting..will surely try it out...great to know that you are a the way, I also belong to the 'Consulting world'...

  71. All I can say is this Pesto is BEAUTIFUL,everything in it.. Bookmarked:-)

    love the new look too.

  72. I have newly decided to whip up a batch of pesto every week while basil is in season and then freeze it for winter. I will have to try your recipe! I love that you mixed in some sundried tomatoes.

  73. I think I know what today's dinner is going to be!

  74. heyy Parita...
    thanks for sharing this
    i made this today.... and it came out rich and delicious

    thanks again...


Welcome to my kitchen. Please feel free to pen down your suggestions and comments. If you have any questions or queries please email me at or leave a comment. I will try to answer it as soon as possible. Hope you enjoyed your visit here :)