
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Mediterranean Tomato Soup and Failed Macarons !!!

Dear All,
Tomato,Soups and Salads

How are you all doing? Hope you had a wonderful weekend. Cant believe its already mid september now, in another week i'll again have to start packing but this time for going back home..oh I am so gonna miss this place :(((
Macarons have haunted me from the moment i saw them at Helene's blog , these colorful little treats look very attractive and beautiful. When I saw these at Deeba's blog, I was truly inspired to make them but at the same time very scared too. If you look at the ingredients, they are few almond powder, egg whites and can one go wrong with such simple ingredients...believe me you have to try these in your kitchen to believe it!!


Passionate bakers like Deeba, Meeta, Aparna, Jamie, Barbara, Ria and many more have come together and formed the Mac Gang, this fabulous event is driven  by the very talented Jamie, so there was no looking back! Me being so passionate about baking...i cudnt stop but join them and try my first macarons! Unfortunately my attempts to these gorgeous french treats were a complete disaster with cracked tops and most importantly no FEETS!!!!.....though these were quite tasty but they turned into more like chocolate meringue cookies and we did enjoyed them a lot.
I was quite a bit depressed with my failed macaron attempts and even more obsessed to get them right !  Nithya, my dearest blogger buddy encouraged me and cheered me up...thanks dearie for your faith in me and now I am determined to get my FEETS!! 


After such a debacle I was quite exhausted and not in any mood to cook up a meal, and wanted something quick and fulfilling..apparently i had skipped my meal and didnt realise until my empty stomach started to growl....grr.....
I had bookmarked this recipe few weeks back and thought it would be perfect and fulfilling dinner. The original recipe can be found here.

This recipe is off to No Croutons Required, this month hosted by Lisa , the current theme for this month is Mediterranean Soups and Salads.

This is also off to Soups & Juices event hosted by Sireesha.

To,tomato,Sou,Soups and Salads
My version of Mediterranean Tomato Soup:-
Serves 4
2 can of tomato puree about 800gms
1 zucchini, finely cubed
1 bell pepper, finely chopped
1 medium onion, finely sliced
2 tsp olive oil
1 tsp paprika
2 tsp sugar
Salt to taste
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dry oregano
1 tsp dry basil
fresh cream to garnish


  • In a deep vessel, heat olive oil, add in sliced onions and saute them for about 3 to 4 mins until soft.
  • Add in zucchini and bell peppers and cook for another 5 mins.
  • Now add in tomato puree, salt, sugar, paprika, black pepper, oregano and basil.
  • Add in little water if required.
  • Simmer the soup for 7 to 8 mins on slow-medium heat.
  • Add a dollop of fresh cream on top before serving.


  1. What a lovely soup - pass me a spoon right now please! :-)

  2. Mmmm... Hot soup looks great parita..!

  3. So easy and lovely soup. Are you going back to India? All d best for everything. :)

  4. soup loos to tasty!!

    I also had so many disasters in cooking!! yours at least tasted good. I have thrown so much of my baked items:) So keep up the baking spirits!!!

  5. Hey, gimme a sample of that soup! It looks delicious!

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  9. What great blend of flavour! I love your presentation :)

  10. Yes please, I'd like some of that soup.

  11. There are 3 deleted comments made by me because the pc was going berserk. Sorry, dear!

  12. Gotta love soup. That would go great with a grilled cheese sandwich. You picked a good one. Yummy!!

    Sorry the macaroons didn't turn out. But you can always try again. That's the beauty of food, right?

  13. Sorry the macaroons didn't turn out good. If it is any consolation mine turned out chewy the first time I made them.
    Your soup looks good though. It is raining outside and I wish I had made this for dinner tonight. :)

  14. At least you could eat them Parita ... when I try baking most stuff is usually eaten by the kitchen bin. :-)
    Lovely looking soup. :-)

  15. Delicious looking soup, Parita!The macaroons look good too...

  16. tomato soup is always my got such nice vibrant color..macaroons look perfect..gr8 job, Pari

  17. yummy soup and never give up your will make the perfect maccaroons i am sure but rather u than me he he

  18. Hey..cheer up! the macaroons don't look bad for sure....u will get there soon! don't u worry a bit! The soup looks perfect...its been raining the whole day and I am dying to have a sip!

  19. I have been reading about the macarons on twitter. It looks quite challenging.
    Good to hear you are coming home.
    The soup looks inviting.I tried attempting scones, have a look. Was really inspired looking at yours.

  20. Lovely soup parita.

    Have a great holiday :)

  21. lovely presentation...wonderful red colour.

  22. oh dear, sorry abt the failed macarons...but don't be too harsh on yourself, they are very hard to make! I haven't tried them yet for that reason! I'm thinking you probably overbeat the eggs or something.

    Anyway, at least the soup looks really comforting! Mmm!

  23. Lovely soup Parita. As for macaroons, well atleast u had the guts to try:)...they look like great cookies and I'm sure they tasted awesome.

  24. soup looks very healthy and just loved the colour...Nice click too..even macarons also sounds good....Not bad at all parita...will def try this one...

  25. soup looks very healthy and just loved the colour...Nice click too..even macarons also sounds good....Not bad at all parita...will def try this one...

  26. wow Yummy soup. :) Cheer up sweet heart. Your next try is going to be a sure success. Believe me. :) Keep it going.

  27. Don't worry abt the Mac failure, there are many out there who can share truck loads of their disastorous mac attempts with you :D

    Your soup looks lovely!! Perfect for a rainuy/winter eve!

  28. Don't worry about the macaroons, next time they will be perfect. The soup sounds delicious.

  29. Hey ur macaroons are not bad at all dearie.. U will get success in next attempt.. The soup looks so delicious and mouthwatering. Nice decor too. Dont worry for this failures cheer up...:)

  30. zucchini can be used in soup too ! Kool interesting recipe !

  31. Nice tomato soup dear..looks very inviting...dont bother abt ur macaroon attempt dear,failures are the stepping stones for success..same thing is applicable cheer up n better luck next time..

  32. hey parita,
    Good to know that u r coming back home :) and ya I know it feels sad moving from the dream'll get all that u want in life dear ...keep ur spirits high, and for the disaster, dont u worry these are the steps towards perfection, am sure u'll get them perfect in ur next attempts :)
    The soup looks very comforting, so do those cookies.
    Keep ur spirits high!
    Keep the posts coming!

  33. failed macarons? never mind, they look delectable every ounce.I am sure you will bake them excellent next time on. What lovely soup. Perfect for the event. Mood booster soup. Have a safe trip back home.Will await your posts.

  34. hey soup luks totally delicious.... nd dont worry about the macroons i m worser than u.... thts y i never even took a click orels u wud run out.... :P nd u going to india where??? mumbai???? even i m going to india from here in novemeber probably.

  35. Hearty soup,looks gorgeous...Ur next macaroon trial gonna be a big success Parita, dont worry..

  36. I'm sorry to hear about your debacle. I'd love to eat a bowl of that soup!



  37. looks so rice n creamy n delicious!!...eye-catching colour!

  38. The soup looks wonderful! Such vibrant and rich color. It's a work of art. I don't think the macarons failed - they look delicious to me!

  39. Wonderful,heart warming and filling soup.You atleast tried the macaroons.I did not even do that

  40. Soup looks really yumm. And don't worry about the macrons, when i made them it came up pretty well firs time and then i wanted to make them with the gang, it failed miserably, it is the third time try it had feet.
    So go on try again.

  41. Oh... sorry to see the macarons... have another try, check your oven temp - not too hot, leave them to sit for 30 minutes before cooking... hopefully it will work :)

  42. Lovely Tomato soup. And different from the regular tomato soups. I will have to try it for sure. Looks different.

  43. soup looks amazing..good choice for the event, as macaroons are considered, do not let urself down, they looks gud, hope u will get them perfect in ur next venture..

  44. soup looks wonderful... Truthfully I thought those macrons looked wonderful too - who cares about the feet, if they tasted good...

  45. Do check Dubai Palm islands tour in my World food treat blog..!

  46. Parita!!!
    What a beauty that Soup is..Would dfntly be Yummy yummy!!!
    To me macrons looks good :)

  47. the soup looks gorgeous, the macrons too :)

  48. the soup...I can finish off that whole bowl clean :) the macaroons look good for a first attempt dear...I am sure they should taste delicious :)

  49. Wat a colorful soup....i haven't tried these macarons yet,bit scarred to try ,will giv it a try,don't worry dear,better luck next time...

  50. Warm and inviting soup:)

    I too had two failures, the second one with feet but the top brittle! And then I turned vegan but the macarons still bother me a lot. I know I will make them again sometime!

  51. Warm and inviting soup:)

    I too had two failures, the second one with feet but the top brittle! And then I turned vegan but the macarons still bother me a lot. I know I will make them again sometime!

  52. Lovely soup Parita... with nice red color... looks very tempting... your macarons too look perfect

  53. I feel your pain, I've had macarons not work and it's awful indeed! :( But what a good way to make up for it! ;)

  54. yummy ...yumm..y indeed a treat as a starter...
    loved your blog... first time here... will visit often.

    do have sneak - a -peek into my blog.. when time permits

  55. It was fun baking macs together. We'll conquer the mac one day! The soup looks fabulous!

  56. Your tomato soup looks like a winner!! Sorry about your macaroons!

  57. Many wrongs don't make a right - but many disasters makes you a great cook - it just means that you are trying hard! Do blog the next time you make the macaroons - I'm sure they'll turn out great!

    The soup looks delicious - wish i can have a bowl of it now!

  58. This soup looks so comforting and delicious!

  59. Your soup looks scrumptious! Perfect to warm you up on a chilli autumn evening. Sorry about your macaroons!

  60. we r gearing up for the winter here and this soup comes right on time.

  61. When movies are downloaded from a trusted website.. the people rate it as Audio 8 out of 10 and video 7 out of 10, represented as A8/V7.

    I will rate this soup as V10/M10

    Visual appeal 10/ Mouth watering 10.

    Nice pics and recipe...

  62. perfect autumn soup! :)soo beautiful!

  63. Soup looks colorful and delicious..Appetizing..Dont worry abt the macaroon disaster..thers always a next time..

  64. I want to learn to make macarons so bad. They did an amazing job. Your soup is gorgeous.

  65. The soup looks yummy,very simple & easy to make.

  66. I have decided not to visit your blog on an empty stomach. The photographs look good enough to eat. Tomato soup is my all time favourite and cant wait to try this one out.
    And I so relate to the Maggi or Pasta post. I used to love maggi as a child and now my daughters love it too. This recipe is made for my 14 year old who loves pasta and cooks it for all of us on holidays.

  67. I'm sorry about your macaroons, but the soup is sure looking fabulous!

  68. Hey! Don't give up. I've failed twice so far, but I fully intend to try again.

  69. wow soup looks awesome so beautiful color and macarons looks too good yaar really feel like having them now.yum.

  70. Soup looks delicious...:).Don't worry about the Macs..try once more and you'll get it right:)

  71. Its ages that I had tomato soup. Feel like having as soon as possible. Dont worry about the macarons. You will succeed.

  72. what a lovely tempting and yummy..

  73. Dear Parita,
    Tempting soup pic looks inviting dear!!!
    Thanks for participating in Rice feast.
    Please collect your Yummy recipes blog award and happy blogging award from Aathidhyam

    Cheers Dear


  74. i think the macarons look just fine :)

  75. Wat a lovely and colorful soup, looks yummy.

  76. I too feel mac's look gr8...may b lil more perfect to get the write taste....i appreciate that u at least tried it.....coming to soup, it looks the oregano and basil flavour in tomato soup...

  77. wish to hav it right nw Pariii... :)
    snap is awesome.... the word awesome is also nt enough.. :)
    loved each picture , especially the first one.. :)

  78. soup looks delicious with all the flavors I love. will have to try it out.

  79. mac's looks awesome..should taste yummy:)..very tempeting,first time your nice blog with yummy recipes...

  80. hmm..i also tried macroon and also failed..same pinch..but the soup is delicious and healthy

  81. Gorgeous! And yes, I'll have some soup pls ... it's that time of year when the weather's cooling down outside, and nothing quite hits the spot like a bowl of hot soup :)

  82. Ive not had tomato soup with such flavouring but have to say I am drooling over it! beautiful photo!

  83. Haha..failed mine :) But you know what - I am sure they taste good. I know about the obsession to get them right - its sort of nagging me to try them again. Let's see when :))

  84. disasters are a part and parcel of cooking especially dont worry girl!! :) n that soup just looks seeing a lot of tomato soups around lately.

  85. I love those chocolate cookies (if not macarons)! :) delicious tomato soup... so tempting!

  86. That is a beautiful soup with gorgeous colors!! Love it.

    I have seen your macaron success already:-) these are just great cookies.

  87. That tomato soup is so rich in color that I know it must be rich in flavor as well. Great recipe!


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