
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Feeling Blue!!

Dear All,
I know I owe you all an explanation to my unexpected disappearance. I havent updated my blog in last one month and there is a reason behind it. Lots of things have changed in last one month at work front and in personal life. Let me ask you all a question..have you ever felt so alone in life as if you were living on a different planet with no one to talk to and share your feelings with? with no friends and family? Do you question yourself upon the decisions you make and when those decisions go wrong and makes you feel miserable and guilty? When someone you love breaks your trust and you cannot forget and let go?  It hurts so bad that you want to scream your heart out? Honestly I feel like I am going through that phase in life. I feel sad, disappointed, betrayed and probably lots more!!

I think I am going through some kind of identify crisis. Its like you think you know what you are doing and you know what you want in life but suddenly life takes you down to a path which you never thought you would walk on. It makes you question yourself and the worst part is you dont have an answer for that! Its when you feel even after doing all things right still everything goes wrong. It makes you question your beliefs and your moral values. I always knew life's tough and the world is cruel but a part of me always believed that there are good people out there who would feel the same way as I do. I always thought that if you didnt do anything wrong to anyone else nothing can go wrong with you but now I am not so sure about it. I always thought that whatever happens..happens for good, I wish I knew what good its gonna bring out to me. I wish we knew answers to all our would be so much better..isnt it?

Chocolate Cherry Cake,Chocolate Cake,Chocolate Cherry Coffee Cake,Chocolate Chip Cherry Cake,Chocolate Snack Cake

So what do you do in such situation? Of course apart of getting all emotional and giving a big lecture just like I did above :) For me CHOCOLATE is probably the best way of making myself feel better..ah forget the extra pounds for a while! Some chocolate brownies with creamy vanilla ice cream on top! Yup thats what I am having right now while writing this post :) And what better way than sharing a delicious chocolate cake recipe with you all especially if it has lots of sour cherries in it...hummm and some chocolate chips as well! Chocolate+Cherry is one of my favorite combo and I always wanted to bake with sour cherries. So when my dear roomy got some sour dried cherries from US I baked this gorgeous cake for my colleagues who never disappoint me in finishing any of my baked treat in record time :) 

Chocolate Cherry Cake,Chocolate Cake,Chocolate Cherry Coffee Cake,Chocolate Chip Cherry Cake,Chocolate Snack Cake

Chocolate Cherry Cake to make you feel better!
2 cups all purpose flour
2 cups sugar
3 tbsp of rich cocoa powder
2 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
2 large eggs at room temperature
1 cup milk
90 ml vegetable oil
1 cup chopped dried sour cherries
1/2 cup chocolate chips
2 tsp vanilla essence or seeds of one vanilla bean scrapped

  • Grease amd flour a pound cake pan, preheat the oven to 180 degress C.
  • Sieve all purpose flour, cocoa powder, baking powder and baking soda.
  • Dump together the above dyr ingredients with sugar, cherries and 1/4 cup chocolate chips.
  • Now in a measuring cup mix together 1 cup of milk, 90 ml oil, vanilla seeds/essence and 2 eggs.
  • Thoroughly mix the wet ingredients well until fully incoporated.
  • Now pour the wet ingredients in the dry ingredients while mixing well with a spatula in between the additions. Donot use a beater, a spatula or a wooden spoon is more than sufficient. 
  • Be careful to not to over mix the batter.
  • Pour the batter into the cake pan and sprinkle the remaining 1/4 cups chocolate chips.
  • Bake the cake for 45 mins or until a knife inserted comes out clean.
  • Remove the cake from oven and let it cool completely.
  • Slice and serve with some warm milk or even with a dollop of vanilla ice cream!
Chocolate Cherry Cake,Chocolate Cake,Chocolate Cherry Coffee Cake,Chocolate Chip Cherry Cake,Chocolate Snack Cake

The cake was deliciously moist and everyone in office enjoyed it! Will definately be making this cake more often as I am sure my little sister R would love it! So now you know what to make in case you  are feeling blue or even just want to pamper yourself :)



  1. Can understand wat u r going thru....evryone has to pass on this sort of a stage...I always leave it to time and distract myself doing the things I luv the most....I knw its easy to tell, but hard to get through. Am sure u'l be alright soon, wishes for it. And the cake looks super soft n yum :)

  2. Hang in there, Parita! I hope you have someone to talk things over. Venting it out helps a lot. I hope things get better for you soon. Stay strong! Hugs to you.

  3. Venting out always help. Cake looks stunning.

  4. Hi Paritha,

    I feel like this sometimes...i just look at my dauhgter's face and it all goes away...Concentrate on what is important to you...Take care...Prayer is the answer to a lot of confusions and problems...:)

    Take care...By the way,the cake looks awesome...:)


  5. There are times when you feel the whole world is conspiring against you--But always remember,this too shall pass.Whenever I am faced with tough situations,I always make it a point to count my blessings,that always seems to make me feel better!!

    And you are so right about chocolate--one bite into anything chocolatey and instantly you start feeling good.Keep baking and sharing your goodies if that's what you enjoy doing--I am sure you'll be out of this phase soon--Wish you luck!!

  6. Hey Parita, hang in there, girl...These trying times only make you stronger and one day you will realise it happened for your good...Chocolate is the solution to most problems, so bake and eat and be happy :) Hope you are feeling better soon...*hugs*

  7. Hi Parita... Still i believe there are good people in the world after going through all the heart breaks and low downs , and there are many more great things to come your way may sound cliche' but is absolutely true.
    A rich brownie and vanilla ice cream brightens me up any time truly ... this chocolate cake must have done great for you i know have already taken the first step towards happiness darling now !!!

  8. Ohhhh A tight hug to you dear I know how pain full it is, don't worry be happy. when ever i fell like this I do meditation it helps a lot to me god bless u and be strong.

  9. sorry cake looks super soft and delicious.

  10. Hey Brave gal..I can understand your pain. Just wanna remind you one thing that Bad times can come anytime in life bt gud part is when it goes, it always gift us gud time.

    And decisions might go wrong sometimes but wrong decisions always give us the power of right judgement from next time onwards.
    "Girte hai ghudsawaar hi maidan-e jang me.. wo kya jirenge jo ghutno ke bal chale..."

    So be Brave and feel proud on whtever u hav done so far. You hav shown so much of courage from last few years..Dnt loose your faith on GOD.He is definitely busy in adding some nice chapters in your life.

    Aur haan We(I &Vru) are always there with you..So be happy and keep smiling and see the nice world:) Missing you & your yummy cakes..

  11. parita..nice to see your post after so long...
    About what you are going through..we all fall into that category at least once in our for me, every now and then:)
    so all i can say is..this too shall pass.
    As for the the combo and im hoping ud post more awesome recipes.

  12. I am so sorry to hear that the blues have hit you, but I am sure you have heard this before there is always light at the end of the tunnel and after each storm there is calm.
    Be brave ups and downs come in life don't think of them as obstacles but more like a challenge to make you strong.
    Of course you don't want another preaser on positive thinking so all I would like to say if all fails INDULGE IN CHOCOLATE.!!!
    The cake you have made is wonderful and definately a great pick me up.
    Kepp smiling , keep happy and tomorrow will be brighter day.

  13. Omg, Parita dont worry gal, everything will disappear very soon,glad u r back to blog, change ur mind and be brave..To be honest even am going through some family problems and am just changing my mind by cooking and blogging..forunately this blogsphere is truly makes me great...

    Btw cake looks so tempting..Keep smiling dear..

  14. Hey Parita!!! Gud to c ur post and a wonderful Cake!!!!!
    We all go thru this parita!!!! Come on girl, shud never let these things to take over our life!!!
    When going gets tough, tough gets going!!!! So dont worry!!!!
    A Warm teddy hug to you, Keep Smiling!!! Have a Great Day, Always :)!!!!

  15. It's a real pain to go through. If I'm being a 'Mrs. Nice Lady' to someone, he/she just stabs me in the back in return. That's how 95% of the world is. It's best to stomp them in such a way that they'll never do this to you.

    The cake looks exquisite and its chocolatyness just makes me drool!

  16. welcome back Parita, hugs to you dear, we all go through down side of the life one day, it quite hard to accept it, but we should try and fine day you will get the answer take good care and wonderful cake ... chocolate are the best!

  17. Its bad but always remember that over everything there is something tht Comes abve all nd thts ur self confidence vch u havent to lose.....
    Be Brave :) :)
    nd overall the cake is super :)

  18. Hey dear.. just cheer up and face life as it comes. I am sure you will get over all this soon and be back to josh. And I will pray for you too.

    Lovely cake and this is a super good medicine for making us happy :) thanks for sharing the recipe :)

    Hugs dear :)

  19. Hi Parita.
    I hope things are getting better now, be positive and look at the bright side of life. I know life is very tough but we must carry on.
    I hope you have someone to talk things over.
    Outstanding cake, lovely clicks.
    All my love ♥

  20. glad u r back...delicious cake!!
    Cheer up and take ur mind to something interesting!!take care!!

  21. Chocolate is an easy fix to the pains! Hope you have someone to talk to! That helps...
    Take care and things will certainly turn for the better!

  22. dont worry parita...everthing will be ok and be strong....take care dear....
    yummy cake da!

  23. You described exactly how I have been feeling recently too! You are definitely not alone in feeling like this...And chocolate has also been my solution :)

  24. A great comforting chocolate cake for making one feel better.
    You are not alone Parita, You have loads & loads of food blogger friends who are always connected with you.
    Wish and hope that you come out of the current crisis soon for better.

    Best wishes, take care.

  25. Oh Parita, I'm so sorry to hear you've been going through a hard time! Just know that we are here for you. Hope this beautiful cake cheered you up...I know it put a big smile on my face! Sending you a virtual hug!

  26. Hope whatever is troubling u goes away soon.take care.

  27. Hi Parita dear welcome back and I sorry about the hard time that you have faced. Cheer up and nothing is permanent in life and even big problems comes to end at one point of time. Only the time matters, Hope you will be back to joy soon. Wish you good luck!!! And by the way the cake looks amazing.

  28. Parita

    Sometimes things don't happen the way we would like them to and life does come at you fast. But, don't give up hope anytime. These struggles will bring out the best in you and you might surprise yourself. So just hang in there and yes, do reach out for that chocolate or anything else that comforts you. Remember, you always deserve it.

  29. Everyting will be alright parita...Don/t leave your hope..Wish you all courage,luck and good health...

  30. Parita... even in rosy times we wish we knew all the answers...

    Keep hope alive...

    Take care,

    And bake more of such fabulous cakes :-)

  31. everything will work out , honey !! so..just hang in there.. !! :-)

  32. Thank you everyone for your warm comments, I am doing much better now :) I really dont know what would i have done without you all!!

  33. Hi Parita. So sorry to hear you are feeling down. I have gone through times in my life where I felt the same. But stay positive. I do believe good will always come to those who are good. When I was down at one point, I read a book, you may have heard of, called The Secret. That has really changed my life in a positive way. If you are interested in reading it and cannot find a copy, I will send you my copy. Let me know.

    Thanks for sharing your delicious cake. That does make me happy")

  34. Hi Parita, Nice to see you back. I am so sorry to hear that you are a bit upset. Please do not worry, try and get hold of stuff you like and love doing. Creating things works wonders and is a fantastic therapy. You have made the right choice by baking a lovely chocolate cake. Keep your spirits high!!

  35. Awww P!! So sorry to hear you aren't doing well. I actually justt barely have gotten out of the same phase, it's horribly lonely, I know. Don't worry about the blog, all your lovely readers are going to be here, waiting for you to get better :)

  36. This is that kind of cake which would take away all the blues from you :-)Cheer up honey !

  37. hey parita good to see u back with yum chocolate dear ...
    me too facing personal problems so i divert my self to cooking which interests me just like u do ....
    but iam sure it should pass on very soon ...
    be brave everything would be fine dear

  38. Open up talk to someone u trust, best friend, sister, mom or dad? Everyone pass through hard time, need to get courage and move forward... Hope u get settled down soon gal.

  39. Dont worry..Being alone is gifted for u...Might be a overdose..But once u,move to next phase,u will have no time to do anything for u...Hope u can feel better now....Keep urself busy with things...Cake luks fabulous

  40. I hope you find a way out of the crisis soon.Life does has its ups n downs..but the best part is neither stays forever.Really liked your cheerful recipe..looks yum

  41. Dear Parita
    I am here after a long time. So you were enjoying those bad times, when one feels the world is finished, I am finished etc etc..??That is very normal for human beings , only great saints dont go through these moments..These moments are pretty bad ,,again without these moments, life becomes monotonous...but one has to go through it, there is no respite..but believe me bad time doesnt last long..we find a way out
    You have done the right thing , when you are low, just cook, like you have done now.
    I am sure , by now you are back in mood,
    Have a nice weekend

  42. Hey Parita,

    Glad you're back! I'm so sorry about what happened in your life, but I want to tell you that we all pass over something like this in our short life, so we have to be strong!

    I want to tell you that you should keep it up with your great work!


  43. Sorry for such a late reply parita.. Hope you are all right.. I too had this phase once.. cudnt vent to anyone too.. It was disastrous.. But today I am strong.. I am looking forward to anything that life throws at me.. Also you become a good judge of character.. Dont worry everything will turn out good.. Do anything that would make you happy, may be cooking or simply playing in the rain..
    And your cake looks so good.. wish I cud grab a bite!

  44. looks delicious & yummy ........ Do vist my blog if u have time ... i am a follower on ur facebook .... Add me as friend in the facebook ...........

  45. you have a beautiful blog and what a lovely cake and the recipe!

    i usually do not read so much on first visits but i read this post accidentally, maybe for a reason. I relate to you in those words in many ways. I think it's part of growing, growing with life...understanding the depth of it and discovering ourselves. it's an emotional ride but hang on girl friend, the end of the tunnel is always shiny! *hugs*

    going to follow u!

  46. I agree with you that chocolate and sour cherries are a great combo. I like how simple this recipe is. I think I'll make this for the next playgroup I have with 4 other mothers and our toddlers next week. Thank you for sharing the recipe.

  47. Hi Parita, first time on your blog - My heart goes out to you - Please know this too shall pass and i hope you can move on - there are lots of good honest people out there and I pray you find them soon - Your cyber friends will always be there to list and support :) and you don't sometimes need to know someone well to feel for them... Here's a hug


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